“No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself.”
― Virginia Woolf

About Me

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Teacher, student, avid crafter, and bibliophile. Too busy for my own good & loving it.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Let's Talk About Books Baby, Let's Talk About Me at the Library

Hey friends, a year ago I thought I would start blogging again... Well, that was apparently a lie, though not an intentional one. So, here I am, another January with hopeful thoughts about blogging at least once a week. I need to write more (nonacademic, project orientated, kind of writing) the kind of writing where I just share what I know, what I love, and hope someone cares, and even if they don't, oh well. Stay tuned to see if I keep up this year.

Life is crazy, a beautiful, way too busy, overwhelmingly lovely & stressful kind of life. Probably why I didn't blog in 2014. BUT I did read a lot. It all started with a Goodreads challenge to read 50 books in 2014, then I hit fifty by the end of May, and figured I'd aim for 100, then hit that by the end of November, and clocked in number 120 for the year at 11:48pm on December 31st.

Insane, I know, but it felt so good to read so much, and really between listening to audio books on my commute to teach, a few trips this past summer from Illinois to North Dakota &back again - plus reading for 15-30 minutes every morning when I first get up, and 15-an hour + before bed. It really didn't take long, did I get to read every day? No, sometimes I really was too busy or too tired. Life happens after all.

One of the ways I got so book crazy is that I hadn't really read so voraciously in a while for fun anyways, as an English major/Grad student, sure, I read a lot, all the time, but usually not for "fun" (whatever that is). And, I found this link: http://www.popsugar.com/entertainment/Books-Made-Movies-List-32193133?stream_view=1#photo-36368737 which gave me an extensive list of books that are now/will soon be made into movies. I noticed today that they updated the original list, and now I have new reads! so know that there were some others on her previously. Anyway, I ended up reading about fifty books off the original of this list, many of which I would not have read otherwise. I in fact hadn't even heard of a few of these, and some while not my usual kind of book, ended up being really good and/or surprised me. I don't know if this link will work, or if we have to be Good reads friends for you to see it, but here are the 120 I read in 2014: https://www.goodreads.com/challenges/1914-2014-reading-challenge

And for good measure, here are some screen shots of my reads, but if you add me, you can red my reviews for each:

*Note, there are two books with no covers in the photos: "Family Sayings" by Natalia Ginzburg, and "Neither Wit Nor Gold" by Ammiel Alcalay

I actually really enjoyed reviewing books this year as well, I didn't used to be quite so active on Goodreads, I used it as a place to store all of the books I wanted to read, to find more, and I would rate with the star rating system the books that I have read. I don't often give a low star rating, because, well anything under three stars for me, well, I won't finish it, and honestly I rarely put a book down, because I have always been good at picking out good books. And, sometimes I am a glutton for punishment, and I just have to know what happens, even if the writing is poor. 

So far, two days into 2015 I have read "A Stolen Life" by Jaycee Dugard, which was pretty rough, both content wise, and well, the writing is poor, but for good reason (see Goodreads review for more on that). I started "My Story" by Elizabeth Smart today, and well, it's the first book I've put down it was so bad in a very very long time (See review for more).

I am currently reading "The Knife of Never Letting Go" the first of Patrick Ness' (A Monster Calls) Chaos walking trilogy, it's very interesting, a real page turner, in the vein of dystopian YA like Hunger Games" etc, and it's supposed to get pretty violent (I can't wait!). As I write this I am also picking the second book to begin tomorrow (yeah, I keep reading a few books at a time, but you know, one at home, on for Kindle when I get stuck waiting somewhere or have time, and one audio book for the road, grocery shopping etc).  I will either be starting "The Maze Runner" since the movie is out on DVD now, and it will add to my dystopian reading, or I may start "The Bone Clocks" by David Mitchell that I just picked up from the library today.

Oh books, how do I love thee, let me count the ways... Or not, instead I'll close by asking what great books you read in 2014? Are you a Goodreads user? Reviewer? How many books did you read? Do you have a goal set for this year (my goal is 60, we'll see if I can make above and beyond like 2014)?

Happy Reading,


Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year: Making a Comeback

Well, it's been just a few days short of two full years since I have Blogged. Well, I did keep up with my student teaching blog while I let this one go. A lot has happened in two year, I got engaged while student teaching, I graduated with my Bachelor's, started my Master's program, got married, graduated with my Master's, moved to Illinois, ran many many races, including three half marathons, started work on my PhD at ISU, found my long lost half sister, and recently had two of my poems chosen for publication by Literary Orphans. I feel like this list could go on, but that's not the point of this post, this post is a comeback, (I hope), it's been a while, and I really love blogging for many reasons. Also, I think it's a good space for those trying to keep up with me since I moved. 

On the note of making a comeback, I also want to get some goals down for 2014, none of this new year new me baloney, but goals for the year, things to strive for. I think resolutions are watery, but I make goals and lists of goals all the time, each day, week, month, so why not for the year? Get my head on straight & focus. I will perhaps attempt to keep track of my progress here as a way of forcing myself to blog more this year. So yeah, the first goal will be obvious. I'm not looking for a new me, I like myself the way I am, but that doesn't mean I don't have personal goals to strive for which may enrich my life, or change me in good ways. Anyway, here is my list for the time being, I made add or delete as I wish, because life is funny when making plans, sometimes things change, and plans have to alter. Some may sound silly, but each is important to me. For now, here are my goals of all kinds for 2014:

1. Blog more
2. Write more poetry (not just because I have to for class)
3. Submit submit submit (my poems)
4. Stop dealing with student issues when out with me man (no texts, emails, etc)
5. Read a chapter of something for fun each night before bed
6. Read 50 books for fun (some for my classes may count, but I'll try not to)
7. Make my program of study and official thing
8. Start training for my first full marathon (doesn't have to be this year, but maybe 2015)
9. Send birthday cards to all of my loved ones by mail (I am sooo bad about even calling)
10. Be a better friend (I am realizing that I can & probably could do more)
11. Knit or crochet a hat & booties set for pregnant friends
12. Spend less time on Facebook (I am really the worst, you guys.)
13. Reinstate yoga/meditation Sunday mornings
14. Make a Tumblr for teaching funnies, (allow students to submit to)
15. I will speak & write in positive terms about my work (I often self negate to push myself, this year I'll try something new to push myself in ways which are nice to myself)
16. Withdraw $10-$20 per week/paycheck to save for rainy days
17. Try aqua Zumba at least once
18. Get that tattoo I've been wanting as a reward
19. Focus on muscle definition not weight
20. Make favorite recipes healthier
21. Be a more present teacher 
22. Take more pictures
23. Buy myself some good makeup
24. Get more massages &spa treatments (for stress relief)
25. Wear more accessories, stop worrying about matching
26. Tell everyone how important they are to me more often
27. Volunteer more (Humane society?)
28. Stop coddling my students so much (no asking for late work, less hand holding)
29. Stop feeling guilty about giving lower grades (they earned it, not me)
30. Learn how to spin & dye my own wool
31. Choose to be happy
32. Choose to learn something from everything & everyone
33. Brush the cat more, and give her more treats (within reason)
34. Dance & sing more
35. Remember to tell ma man at least once a week that he is appreciated (be specific, what I do is easier because of how he cares for me)
36. Go to bed earlier
37. Love myself & others more 
38. Make each day count
39. Reflect on everything
40.Update my Etsy shop

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Training Blog: More 5Ks & Perhaps a 10K...

As a result of the weather, roads and distance I was unable to make it out to the "Freeze Yer Gizzard Blizzard Run," which is quite a disappointment for me, but life. I am also still sick, (17 days so far) so that cold and exertion probably would have been for the worse. However, I am still training, and I just found a few more races to prepare for. The Sunshine Run is this coming Saturday the 22nd, and few weeks later is the Frozen Feat, both of which are in town, which saves money. Then I hope to make it to the St, Patrick's Day Run in Fargo on March 13th. So, now that I fave a few I want to participate in I spent my morning creating a new schedule:
It's hard to see I realize, good old Blackberry pictures, but needless to say this training schedule spans from this coming Monday (17th) through March 12th, the day before the St. Patrick's Day run. Thus I have a race every 2 weeks in the next 8 weeks! Hopefully I am feeling well enough to hit all three. Also, I hope that I am able to with student teaching.

Those of you interested in running any of these here are the links, and you should let me know if you plan on being there!

Sunshine Run:

Frozen Feat:

St. Patrick's Day Run:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Holiday Crafting

Well other than enjoying a lovely Christmas, and reading tons of books for Student Teaching, and catching up on my Netflix queue - I have been catching up on some serious crafting! I in fact have spent all of this morning updating my Ravelry.com account as well. Making sure I get all of my projects in there, as well as pictures! I was lucky enough to go to Atlanta Georgia for the Alpha Phi Omega (co-ed service fraternity) conference the day after Christmas until New Years Eve, where I managed to get a lot of crafting done. Thank God we are allowed to knit/crochet on airplanes these days, I was never bored!

First things first, I finally finished a huge order for one of the BF's co-workers. She ordered at the end of October, and I will hopefully be delivering today. I feel terrible that it took so long, but my final semester of undergraduate courses was far more complicated and busy than I could have foreseen. Just the same here is the lovely set with Horseshoe cables galore, Rococo Homespun yarn, and golden ribbon:

I think they turned out beautifully, though I wish either myself or my camera could get better shots. The ribbon on the scarf and mittens is also removable, I just thought it looked pretty. Of course you could take the ribbon out of the hat too, but that's no fun!

While in Atlanta I was a busy beaver:

First I made a calorimetry hat for Jackie
It's like a beanie that you fasten at the nape of the neck so that you can keep 
your ears and head warm, while still sporting a ponytail.
Obviously I still need to add a button.

I also made a chunky tam beret that turned out 
too small for an adult, but perfect for a little girl:
I tried the pattern again trying to make it a bit bigger,
but it managed to get narrower. Then I played God a bit and had myself a little baby beanie:
After that I began a running cables cowl:
Which I ran out of yarn for, and hope to finish today.

Then I was really out of yarn, so I found the nearest yarn shop to my hotel:
It was the perfect little store where I bought some beautiful soft tweed
and created a kaleidoscope beret:
After getting stuck for two days in Minneapolis upon our return I stayed at a friend's house
I once again had to run out for yarn and began another cowl:
Obviously still a work in progress.

I also received a wonderful Christmas gift from my Friend Kelly:

Pictures of her adorable niece wearing the hat I made, and enjoying the matching blanket!
It brings me great joy to see my work put to use.

On that same note I just wanted to quickly share another baby blanket
I have been working on:

So, as you can plainly see I have been a busy little bee. Hopefully I will get my 
Etsy together today or tomorrow as well. Some of these beauties need a home!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Elegant Vs. Ugly Sweaters

Yes, I have to do it, for knitters/crocheters & crafters everywhere! When people think of homemade sweaters they cringe and think of those hideous things grandma used to make. Well let me tell you people, there is such thing as a beautiful homemade sweater, and in fact many of us can make some beautiful, wearable (in public) sweaters. However, let's take a moment to make sure that everyone (even the crafters who think they make beautiful sweaters, but sadly do not) understands the difference between something that can be worn beautifully in public, and something best hidden in the deep depths of the closet - or saved for an ugly sweater party, where you can purposefully spill wine on it.

Example 1:

 Example 2:

Example 3:

Example 4:
I hope that after that we are all clear, especially those pigs? Really? What is wrong with people sweaters should be an expression of art, not Orson Welles' Animal Farm. Any questions?

Multicultural Life Experience Novel: Book List

So, some people know that this Fall I was taking two independent studies, one of which was an independent study by the name of the title of this blog. I proposed the topic, and them we dove in. I read roughly a novel a week all semester. The main idea of this independent study was to read novels about people from different places, in order to learn more about their culture. The novels were selected based on the author's "author-ity" to write about said culture. In short, I didn't want to read a book about Costa Rica by a person who visited Costa Rica once for a week. I wanted to read about real people from real places. That being said, keep in mind that one must never assume that one personal life experience from one place, will be the same for another individual in the same place. People growing up in the same area may tell very different stories based on their lives, circumstances, and means.

I highly recommend all of the books on this list, I learned a lot.

Book List:

White Teeth by Zadie Smith
In Cuba I Was A German Shepard by Ana Menendez
Green Grass Running Water by Thomas King
The Human Stain by Philip Roth
Native Speaker by Chang-Rae Lee
Corregidora by Gayl Jones
Property by Valerie Martin
The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts by Maxine Hong Kingston (Coming this Spring to the Writer's Conference at UND)
The Death of Jim Loney by James Welch
Tropic of Orange by Karen Tei Yamashita

Books on the list that we didn't get to but I would still recommend:

The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight In Heaven by Sherman Alexie
Caramelo by Sandra Cisneros
Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight by Alexandra Fuller
Geographies of Home by Loida Maritza Perez (also coming to the Spring Writer's conference)
Persian Girls: A Memoir by Nahid Rachlin

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Crafts and Deliciousness

So I hosted a passion part last night. My lovely friend Mari Biel shared all the wonders of Pure Romance products with some friends and some of my APO lady peeps. I prepared these delicious pumpkin brownies...
Now, what to do with the leftovers? I should not, and can not eat them all. Even though I made them pretty healthily. It was a very tasteful party, and I think once things got going everyone's nerves calmed so we all had a good time. And I should mention that I made delicious cider to go with those yummies above!

I also wanted to take a minute to share a few of my recent crafts. First we have the Ogre hat, modeled by the birthday girl herself. It is a long time standing inside joke that she is called a banana ogre at work, that is all I will say. But on the bright side this now barely legal 18 year old rocks this hat...
I also recently finished a lovely cowl for Danielle, (@From the Briar Patch) as well. Here is to hoping that she takes a great shot of herself rocking it, because I clearly do not. Though I think it did turn out beautifully...
I have also made a few purses for some dear friends (Kelly and Jenny) recently...
Well, that is all for now. I must hurry off to tutor high school students and in a few hours it is off to Bismarck for the Relay For Life Summit!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Future as a Marathon Runner

Does my future as a marathon runner look bleak? I don't know, but I am excited! This blog post is simply a chance for me to throw my aspirations in the air and see what becomes of them!

On October 9, 2010 I completed my first 5K at UND's Homecoming Race. As you can see below I finished smiling, even though for the last mile I was in a lot of pain as a result of nerves I had some major gastrointestinal distress. They also measured incorrectly, which is normal apparently. So I actually ran 3.6 miles and finished in 35 minutes. It was a nerve racking, but amazing day. I also cannot even begin to tell how amazing it felt to have so many people rooting for me! As I rounded the last corner my heart was seriously on wings, I felt it lift in my chest (it sounds lame, but it was so real) just knowing that people were waiting to congratulate me. I never imagined how many people would want to know how it went, and how many would support me along the way as I trained. For these people, I am incredibly grateful.

Of course, after such an amazing run, I am now possibly addicted, but hey, it's not cocaine right? Thus I have been in training since one day after my first 5K for the next! I am officially in my fourth week of training, and have four weeks until The Jingle Bell Run on December 4, 2010 in Fargo, ND. which funds the Arthritis foundation. I am currently deciding whether or not I want to captain a team, or register as an individual. I guess I'll see how many are willing to run in December. Either way I look forward to another run, and a charitable run at that!

Well, now is the point where you may be questioning my sanity. Why? Because I am seriously debating the Freeze Yer Gizzard Blizzard Run which is on January 15, 2011 in International Falls, MN. this will be a bit of a drive, but not bad. This run is literally outside in northern Minnesota in January (one of the coldest months of the year for those who are unaware). I am thinking this will probably be another 5K, but we'll see how spunky I am, maybe I'll go for a 10K for this. I imagine that it will be unbearable at times, but what a race to attempt, not to mention finish! I reserve the right to brag if I do this and survive!

The next race I want to actually run the 10K for sure. That is the Lace Up Against Breast Cancer Run in Rochester, MN. I don't look forward to the drive, but I really want to do this one! All of the proceeds go to research at the Mayo Clinic. I cannot tell you what a great opportunity this is! So, I look forward to running outdoors again on February 13, 2011.

And finally the end of my goals thus far, the list could continue of course. The Fargo Marathon, or rather I would like to do a 10K for this one. This is on May 21, 2011 and it is huge! They have like four races, plus tons of other stuff to do and see for like 4 days. Last year was their 6th year, and they had 20,000 participants. Why would I not want to join in?!

So, it is clear that my aspirations and goals are great, but I will meet them with nothing but hope. Hope to see just how far I can go if I never hold back...

PS: My dear friends, I would love supporters for long trips, and encourage you all to volunteer at these events, they are greatly needed. Also, those of you feeling inspired, run with me!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Some Poems

We have been talking about poetry and how/what to teach in the secondary classroom in my methods class lately. Thus, I have written a few poems that I rather like while trying out activities, so thought I'd blog them!

First is a haiku, which I wrote about an occurance in the book I just finished today for my independent study class, Native Speaker by Chang-Rae Lee.

A simple dog pile -
Crushed beneath playful boys, golden leaves,
A tiny boy dies.

Next is a circle poem, you start with a title, and the word after the title has to make sense, or has to do with the title word. Then the next word has to do with the first, and the 2nd with the 3rd, and so on. For about 8-10 lines you make these connections, ending with a word that somehow connects/links back to the title word. It was fun, her was my personal attempt.



Ans last for today's sharing (Another will be shared once it has been polished a bit more!) This is called a found poem. Where you find two sentences from a newspaper or magazine and arrange them in a poetic way.

Found Poem
(Words from National Geographic, January, 1996 pages 2, 21)

Have named her
For the cave
Where her skull
Was found.

Tough lives, Tender
Mercies, battered
Bones tell stories
Of woe -
And kindness-

Arranged by Laurel 

That's all for today, hope that you enjoyed, I did.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Time to start this again!

So, it's been forever, and I want to get this going again. So to start with, here are some pics of some of the projects I have finished since my last post. Just a few favorites...

Here's  a baby blanket I made, getting picked up by the new owner today!

 Matching baby hat!
 A ripple afghan I made for my mom's 55th birthday.
 Some birdie brooches (Dark blue for sale $8)
 Some flower brooches (For sale $8 each)
 Baby blanket that was ordered.
 Ah, the Christine purse. Lot's of orders for there right now!
 Crochet flower headband, a personal favorite.
Well, that's all for now. More to come I hope!